Upcoming Beard Events
Fans of Beard Team USA will want to mark the following dates on their calendars:
April 29, 2006 -- German International Beard and Moustache Championships, Hesel, Germany. For info see http://www.baffone.net.
May 16, 2006 -- New York City Beard and Moustache Championships, hosted by the producers of Splitting Hairs, the documentary film about the WBMC in Berlin, due out soon. The event will take place at the Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard St., Lower Manhattan, New York (Tribeca area), starting at 8 pm. Special appearance by Jack Passion.
July 3, 2006 -- High Sierra Beard and Moustache Championships, Village at Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe), California.
July 29, 2006 -- Minnesota Beard and Moustache Championships, St. Paul, Minnesota. Members of Beard Team USA will be special guests of the St. Paul Saints baseball team for this event.
September 23, 2006 -- European Beard and Moustache Championships, Amberg, Germany, hosted by the East Bavarian Beard and Moustache Club. For info see http://www.bc-ostbayern.de.
September 1, 2007 -- World Beard and Moustache Championships, Brighton, England.
March, 2009 -- World Beard and Moustache Championships, Anchorage, Alaska.
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