New York City Beard and Moustache Championships, May 16, 2006

Hurry! The New York City Beard and Moustache Championships are coming May 16! In a trend documented recently in the New York Times, on Good Morning America, and the Today Show, moustaches and beards are sprouting all over the Big Apple as hopeful facial hair wannabes get ready for the big event. Great prizes for all the winners. Stars of Beard Team USA, including Jack Passion, will be there. Anyone can enter but space is limited, so sign up now. All the lastest information, registration and tickets are available at the website, The NYCBMC will be held at the Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard St., Manhattan (Tribeca area), beginning at 8 pm.
Looking good Jack!
Are you going to defend your dance title in New York?
Those moves you were showing in Berlin still have Europe shaking.
See ya,
At the "Knitting Factory?"
Let's hope they don't accidentally knit any beards.
Good luck to all mustache/beard growers! You have our full support!
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Congratulations on creating possibly the most pointless thing ever invented.
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Je suis actuellement en contacte avec le gerant du cabinet (fort consciencieux!!), et je peux vous affirmer que cela vaut le coup!!
si vous avez des interroguations, ou si vous voulez en savoir plus, il vous suffit de consulter le site :
ou de contacter Mr Corona a l'adresse mail
Vous en serez d'avantage sur delaware.
En esperant vous rendre service.
Bien a vous.
Wow, there is a lot of helpful data above!
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